Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Have you ever seen werid triangle shaped UFO's?

Ok where I live, they seem to be EVERYWHERE. I started noticing it a couple days ago, same night when the moon was red, and yea, i know aliens have nothing to do with that, but anyways some friends and i were chilling at Shell at 3 am eating some McDonald's, and i was sitting in the back of the car, I was looking around and noticed a light. I thought it was just one of those really bright stars, but then i noticed "The hell? It's the only star out there..." I even checked around, the sky was black. So i thought it was a plane, but the thing didn't move at all! I know because from the angle i was looking at, it was right above one of the gas things, and after like 20 minutes it was still there. When we drove away, i pointed it out to my friend Daniel, he saw it and was really casual about it. "Oh yea, I notice those all the time, if you look at looks like two pieces connected." Sure enough, I looked a second time and there was like a triangle shape under it! It was like a big nearly invisible triangle with a light at the very top. So when we got back to my place,we could still see it, my house wasn't that far. Anyways, after that i've been checking out the sky, even when it's starry and i can see some of the "stars" have this triangle shape on them, because of the bright light, you can see it going down the side of the triangle...has anyone ever seen these before, and if not, will you keep an eye out?

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